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Our New Logo: Adding Personality to Alvys

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Charley Willerton-McKee
Lead Graphic Designer
July 18, 2022

Some Necessary Changes

Logos are a big deal. They must express who our company is in an instant, and be memorable enough to drive future growth. Additionally, if it isn’t perceived as “good design,” prepare for years of ridicule and side comments.

It’s a difficult decision to reinvent your company’s identity, but we felt it was what Alvys needed. So, no drumroll necessary, (as we’ve already changed the logo on all our platforms), here she is:


What We Wanted to Achieve

Our primary goal was to better articulate who Alvys is, as well as create better harmony between the logistics and tech industries. The new logo focuses on the legibility of our name and plays with the idea of motion and our passion for improving workflows.

How did we get here? Teamwork mainly.

To represent the change and growth that occurs by using our products, we needed to implement these ideas internally by evolving as a team. We live all over the world and sometimes have to meet at ridiculous hours to stay aligned. This logo was a fun test of that alignment with a majority of the team putting in their two cents or coming up with their own iterations. We had a fun few weeks presenting and learning what we each think of Alvys and who we, as a company, should become.

It was chaotic at times, especially when we realized all of the different aspects of Alvys that needed to be represented in the logo.


Distilling the Input Into One Cohesive Design

The idea that grounded us was, from the CEO Nick Darman himself, “the logo must flow.” He wasn’t especially specific, but I think we got the general idea. Our original logo was more rigid, and for a company all about improving efficiency and workflows, rigidity was not the best representation.

On top of all of this, the logo needed to evolve from our current logo so it wouldn’t be such a drastic change. So the logo needed to flow, stand out from our competitors, represent our principles of simplicity, speed, and efficiency, and above all be cool. Simple right?

Not exactly.

The Struggle and a Recognizable Icon

We also needed a recognizable icon. An emblem that is a part of the letter A.

This is when the struggles began. We wanted the emblem to have a unique personality. Alvys needed to unite technology and trucking by striking a balance between the idea of high-tech software and the down-to-earth culture of the logistics industry. We went through many iterations, and played with variations of the icon until we landed on something that fit.


Wait, who was that?

Our solution — Al


Al is the new face of Alvys. He brings personality to the company to improve customer experiences with onboarding and learning all of the different aspects of our software. The main logo remains sleek and represents the ideas of charts and exponential growth, but whenever Al is around, he’ll speak plainly and guide new users to create relationships with them. For all of you who already know Alvys, Al looks forward to meeting you.

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